Masterchef; Manual v. Auto

The finer points of using MasterChef manually vs. with an Autocompounder.

1. Bera goes to Uniswap and create 100 WETH|USDC LP tokens. 2. Bera stakes their 100 LP into the Masterchef. 3. After 1 hour, the Masterchef has emitted 10 FoodCoin tokens to the Bera. 4. Bera(s) claims their 10 FoodCoin. 5. Bera swaps 10 FoodCoin for 5 USDC and 5 WETH 6. Bera creates 5 WETH|USDC LP. 7. Bera stakes the 5 WETH|USDC LP into the Masterchef. 8. Repeat steps 3-7. In this example, there are a few points to consider: - The Bera needs to pay gas for a transaction for almost every step in the process. - Steps 3-7 are a slow process. - Waiting one hour before claiming rewards is not an optimal strategy. - The Bera can’t repeat this process while they are asleep or away from the computer.

Counter to this, you have MasterChefs with an Autocompounder;

This example addresses each of the points above: - Bera only needs to pay gas for creating the LP and staking it into the Autocompounder. - The Autocompounder can Claim/Swap/Restake in 1 transaction (very quick). - The Autocompounder can Claim/Swap/Restake as often as economically feasible. - The Autocompounder can run 24/7.

  1. Bera goes to Uniswap and create 100 WETH|USDC LP tokens.

  2. Bera stakes their 100 LP into the Autocompounder.

  3. The Autocompounder will automatically Claim/Swap/Restake when economically feasible.


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